Social Impact Focused

We recognize the profound impact that businesses can have on society, and we are committed to being a force for positive change. Our social impact initiatives are rooted in a deep sense of responsibility and a belief in the power of businesses to contribute to the well-being of communities. From championing diversity and inclusion within our organization to engaging in philanthropic efforts that address pressing social issues, we strive to make a meaningful difference. By fostering partnerships, supporting education, and empowering local communities, we aim to create a lasting, positive impact that extends beyond our bottom line. At the heart of our mission is the belief that a socially responsible business is not only good for the community but also essential for long-term success.

Human Rights

Human Rights are at the forefront of BLR's CSR commitment. We actively prevent child and bonded labor, ensuring a workplace free from such practices. Our employees undergo POSH training to promote a healthy workplace culture. Additionally, we prioritize transparency through our Whistleblower policy, encouraging a safe environment where concerns can be reported without fear of reprisal. At BLR, we are dedicated to upholding human rights as a fundamental part of our corporate ethos, fostering dignity and fairness across our organization and community.

BLR Logistiks Best Transport Service In India Regulates Human Rights
BLR Logistiks Transportation Services Promotes Equal Opportunity In Diversity.
Diversity and Inclusion, and Equal Employment Opportunity

BLR Logistiks is committed to fostering a workplace that thrives on diversity. Our comprehensive Diversity Policy underscores our dedication to providing equal opportunities for individuals from all backgrounds.. Merit is the sole determinant of pay, with a firm commitment to ensuring that gender plays no role in compensation. We believe in a workplace where everyone, regardless of their background, has the chance to contribute and succeed. Our inclusive policies reflect our core values, promoting a workplace that celebrates diversity and champions equal opportunities for all.

Women Empowerment DriverHer Project

In 2023 we launched the DriveHer program, an initiative crafted to tackle India's pressing truck driver shortage while championing job diversity and empowering women with lucrative opportunities. During the program's initial phases, BLR proudly welcomed five outstanding women truck drivers into its operations. These individuals have successfully completed an intensive 8-day training course, specifically tailored to hone their skills in driving trailers. This milestone not only signifies the early success of the DriveHER program but also underscores BLR's commitment to fostering gender inclusivity and addressing the industry's workforce challenges head-on.

BLR Logsitiks Truck Transport Company In India Welcome Women Truck Drivers
Driver Training
Digitized Learning

We ahve our own online road safety syllabus on our learning management app which is available on the google play store that lets us train drivers remotely via various shorts safety videos.Drivers also go through a multiple choices test after each training, and receive a certificate of completion.

Driver Training

Our company trainers have extensive experience in road safety and driver management and impart training to drivers on a daily basis on various road safety topics.Our drivers also receive mandatory trainings from certified institutions.

Driver behaviour Analysis

We use the best in class devices used to measure driving behavior analysis in our vehicles to measure the risk profile of our drivers.These devices range from Advanced Driving Assistance System(ADAS) to OBD devices that generate a unique risk assessmemt for each of our drivers.Our trainers then use these reports to conduct one-one counselling of these drivers.

BLR logistics solutions company in India uses technology to train their drivers for safety
Worker Safety and Security

At BLR, the safety and security of our workforce are at the forefront of our operations. We are proud to introduce innovative measures that redefine driver safety through advanced technology and comprehensive training. Our commitment to safe working conditions is exemplified by the implementation of cutting-edge safety tech, including LiDAR-enabled devices and a Driving Risk Assessment and Improvement Platform. These technologies not only ensure precision and guidance for our drivers but also provide real-time analysis, quantifying risky behavior and enabling targeted strategies for improvement. Additionally, we prioritize our drivers' well-being through personalized counseling sessions, fostering a culture of responsibility and continuous improvement. We believe that safety isn't just a policy; it's a dynamic journey of innovation and education for the security and well-being of our valued workforce.

BLR Transport Services Uses Advanced Technology For Workers Safety

CSR Initiatives

Through its CSR initiatives BLR is supporting sustainable infrastructure, sanitary and durable housing, vocational education, and healthcare for low-income groups which includes children, youth, and adults.

Apna Ghar Ashram

We are closely associated with Apnagar Ashram, Bharatpur , which is doing a remarkable job. And 4500, we call them Prabhujans, 4500 people are staying under one roof. who are abandoned by their family members or are lying on the road in a very bad condition, they are nursed back to health. They stay there, all the food, medical, everything is taken care of. And once, if they, we try to contact the family members and if they want to take them back, they go back or they stay there. It's a complete, private organization working only on private donations. And the best part is they do not go door to door asking for donations. It is very remarkable that they just write a letter to God that this is their requirement and you will be surprised that by evening whatever is required is automatically arranged. So that is one area where we are working. So that is one area where we are working. Secondly, we have been providing vocational services.

BLR Logistics Company In India CSR Iniatiatives
BLR logistics solutions company sponsoring vocational training to students who come from economically weak backgrounds.
Skill Development for Students

We are sponsoring vocational training for 225 students in two colleges in Mumbai who come from economically weak backgrounds. These courses are designed especially to help them get ready for the work environment and improve their employability.
BLR has partnered with FDP Skilling Solutions LLP ( who, along with resource partners, have created a curriculum for students in the final semester of their It is imparted at a time when students prepare to transition into their chosen profession and make informed career path decisions.

  • This module provides students with an overview of the job market, analysis of current trends, the most in-demand skills and potential career paths available to them. Students are also guided on how to create an effective resume, prepare for job interviews and how to market themselves to prospective employers.

  • Students are provided with one-on-one mentoring sessions with industry experts. The mentors guide students in identifying their strengths and weaknesses, developing career goals, and mapping out a career path

  • This module focuses on developing students & employability skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving and critical thinking. These skills are essential to get started in any work environment. It also introduces students to application software that is used in business (Microsoft Office Applications)

Good Living
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Apna Ghar Mumbai
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MLD Trust
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Cuddles foundation
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Rotary Mumbai Divas Foundation (RMDF):

Pediatric Neuro Surgeries for UnderPrivileged Children